Training in the Workplace
Companies are constantly working to find the best way to attract and retain the best talent. In its endeavor to constantly provide excellent work- life balance for its employees and to further its commitment to success, Mohr Partners, Inc. looks to establish a best-in-class education and training program for its employees.
According to Mohr Partners’s CEO, Robert Shibuya, “We are trying to attract and retain these talented people, and knowing that, a lot of our emphasis is on training and education. We plan to roll out a new training and education platform emphasis within the organization.”
Team Growth
Internal trainings often foster a sense of oneness within the team. Mentorships allow junior employees to network with more senior employees, and allow them to learn from one another. Just as senior employees may provide their own experiences from which newer team members may learn, newer members may be able to provide new ideas for old processes. Both groups may gain new insights by working together.
Personal Growth
By challenging team members to develop and grow within their careers, employees are able to experience personal growth within the corporate setting. At Mohr Partners, team members are encouraged to use their multifaceted skills. This leads to many employees working within different teams in order to best utilize and hone their individual skill sets. Additionally, this personal growth is congruent with a sense of purpose that allows employees to feel fulfilled within their careers.
Company Experts
External trainings are typically generalized in order to be applicable to a wide variety of companies and industries. However, internal trainings are customized and tailored to the company itself. The trainees are able to gain integral knowledge by utilizing the skills of more senior employees. Increased performance is another benefit of internal trainings as it allows employees to work collectively and fully understand material.
Employee Satisfaction and Retention
Providing employees with growth opportunities is beneficial not only to the employees, but also to the corporation itself. An employee who feels valued by the company is less likely to seek a new position. However, if an employee views his or her position as stagnant and do not feel challenged, they are less likely to put forth effort and may even look for outside opportunities. A research study on voluntary turnover decisions within the community of information studies (IS) professionals found that the majority of employees seek opportunities for growth. Regarding the participant’s’ decision to transition to different jobs, the author states “rather than becoming dissatisfied, the research participants tended to see more of an opportunity for experience or to develop skills elsewhere.” (Niederman, Ferratt, 2006, p. 153). In-office training and education platforms allow employees to further develop skill sets and offer challenging opportunities.
At Mohr Partners, the internal training program is fundamental to the development of their best-in-class services. Employees are given the opportunity to challenge themselves and transition into new positions, while also benefiting from mentorships and networking with senior employees. Associates Omar Carrillo and Spencer Conley were recently promoted to the brokerage division after two years working as research analysts. When asked about their experience, they both pointed to their time working under Director of Research & Site Selection Misti Meggs, as a key component in their promotion. Misti knew up front that both wanted to make the transition into brokerage, and she was able to help tailor their tasks within the research division toward that goal. Additionally, she helped them make the proper connections within the brokerage department. When the timing was right for each, she was able to help them smoothly transition into their new positions. By starting within the research division at Mohr Partners, both Omar and Spencer understand how the research information is analyzed and processed, giving both men an advantage when moving to their new positions within the company.
Robert Shibuya states, “It’s quite common that [employees] will start in one part of the organization, and then grow and expand their role.” He points to Derith Jarvis, who leads the Global Corporate Services (GCS) team at Mohr Partners, “Derith has been with the company for well over ten years. He started as head of research, then took on added responsibility for the economic incentive consulting group. Most recently, he has been elevated to run all of Global Corporate Services.” Mohr Partners is committed to helping its employees develop and grow, and subsequently employees often gain internal promotions due to the mutual endeavor.
Sources: Chepkosgey, C. S., Namusonge, G. S., Sakataka, W., Nyaberi, D. N., & Nyagechi, A. (2015). The Effect of On-the –Job-Training Practice on Employee Satisfaction at Kapsara Tea Factory. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(10), 143-151. Retrieved October 26, 2017, from https://hrmars. com/index.php/journals/papers/IJARBSS/v5- i10/1858
Hunter, M. G., & Tan, F. B. (2006). Chapter 6, Voluntary Turnover Decisions. In F. Niederman & T. Ferratt (Eds.), IT Workers Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge Based Environment (pp. 139-171). Greenwich, CT: IAP-Information Age Publishing, Inc